Current Occupiation

Ph.D. Student and Research Associate, Institute of Software Security, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.

Work Experiences

03.2021 - nowResearch Associate at Hamburg University of Technology.
- Research about automated repair for software vulnerabilities.
- Teaching courses: Software Security, Secure Software Engineering, IIW Praktikum.
08.2018 - 02.2021Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant at Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
- Research about Change Impact Analysis for JavaEE and Struts, Parallelization Suggestions for Automotive Software, Lightweight Program Analysis for Grading OOP Exercises.
- Teaching courses: Introduction to Software Engineering, Object-oriented Programming, Computer Network, Fundamental Informatics, Advanced Programming with C++.
06.2020 - 10.2020Student Participant at Google Summer of Code.
Develop a program repair tool for Java regression bugs.
06.2018 - 12.2020Freelancer for Mobile Game Developement.
Develop online/offline games for global markets with Unity 2D and Cocos Creator. Target platforms: iOS App Store, Google Play Store, FB Instant Games.


03.2021 - NowPh.D. in Software Security, SoftSec, TUHH
10.2018 - 10.2020MSc. in Computer Science, The VNU University of Engineering and Technology.
Thesis Topic: Automated Repair of Regression Errors for Java Programs.
08.2014 - 06.2018BSc. in Information Technology, The VNU University of Engineering and Technology.
Thesis Topic: Building Tool Supporting for Managing and Quality Assuring of Software Versions.


  • Languages: Java, Python, SQL, Bash, Javascript, C#
  • Technologies: Spring Framework, Docker, GCP, Kafka, Unity 2D, Cocos Creator
  • Knowledge: Program Analysis, Software Security, Program Testing, Machine Learning

Honors & Awards

  • ITPEC Ambassador, Japan, 2018
  • Pony Chung Scholarship Award, Korean, 2017
  • Various scholarships for excellent academic performance at VNU - UET.